Hello 2018
2017 rolled out it's final days a bit rough here as we lost our dear mom on the 24th, but we all got back up and we all got more to say and more to do and always make her spirit proud.
I'm thrilled to say I'm headed back to the Yukon next month for a couple of shows and a songwriting workshop. While I'm so far away from home, I am gonna also drop down to Alberta for three shows on my way home. All the Details are now up on the "SHOWS" tab right there above you at the top of the page....see it, it's right up there.
New Music From Winters Past
I made an EP with my pal Jonas from Evening Hymns a winter or so ago. It took only a couple of days and the songs are soft and jagged and sweet if you ask me. We made it with Jeremy Gara and Philippe Charbonneau and Jamie Kronick and I love it.
The plan is to have it released in the coming time ahead, but for now we have a song for you to preview and download and share and all that. Have a listen right HERE. Cymbals wash and yes, the drums are the loudest thing in the mix, as they should be.
Well, I don't have too much more to say other than I am writing this post on my 9 year old's Chromebook we got her on points and that makes it all the sweeter that does.
Keep warm winter friends and come say high up yonder west and north.....